a gift from the oak and the horse


The oak tree teaches stillness

The quiet power of staying

Of building up a solid self around a deep rooted and nurtured core

to be rooted in both the ground and the sky.

As above so below.

The oak tree teaches self contentment,

to be at peace in one’s self

to be at home in one’s self

The oak tree teaches self containment.

His leaves, roots, branches, trunk,

they are his singular being

In his multitudes, he is One.

And firmly put, he is not moved.

Tethered deeply to the earth

He has no fear of reaching far up into the sky

He knows no matter how far he reaches he could never uproot himself from the Earth. 

The horse teaches adventure

the life fire of creative inspiration,

the driving force behind selfhood.

Horse speaks,

“run as wildly as you can

as far and wide as you deem

Run and never stop

For out there —


— is where life waits”

The horse teaches that life is not just change

but that the change itself

is Life.

Adventure is the inspiration of his being

He tell us,

One must never seek to tame their own well of unbridled passion and creativity

It is there that the life force resides.

This inspiration must be combined

with power and action

This is not a theory.

This is the moment of change

of opportunity and potential.

The horse says, we must begin. 

Once you are centered and stable and rooted in the ground, then you can go wherever you want and you’ll never have to worry.

Tethered to the ground you will remain, no matter how far up in the clouds you dare to go.

Go as far up as you possibly can,

roam endlessly,

for as much land as there is in this world, your capacity to experience it is just as vast.

Live courageously,

chase your dreams with the force and will of the horse.

Let creative inspiration make you wild.

Let it set you free.

Root yourself firmly in the ground.

Make of yourself a home.

Lay down roots that stretch with your feet

Lay down roots that will always be directly underneath you wherever you may be.

These are the roots of the Self

The roots that tie us to our Mother, Earth

For everywhere we go

always in the palm of our mother will we be.

Carry inside of you a piece of her

Plant seeds in your mind

Water them everyday.

Watch as they grow.

Watch as you become grounded.

Watch as liberation and flight caress that which stabilizes you.

Thank you, they say. Now we are free. 


the Tarot & uS


a message for you